Research Areas
- Congress: Electoral Politics and Institutional Development
- Presidency: Policymaking Powers, Congressional Relations, and Party Politics
- Political Parties: Historical Development and Electoral Competition
Selected Publications
Congressional Elections
- Nationalized Politics. 2024. Oxford University Press, with Jamie L. Carson and Ryan D. Williamson.
- “Out-of-State Donors and Nationalized Politics in U.S. Senate Elections.” The Forum, Forthcoming, with Stephanie Mathiasen (TTU Graduate Student).
- “Nationalization and the Incumbency Advantage.” 2020. Political Research Quarterly 73(1): 156-168, with Jamie Carson and Ryan Williamson.
- “Nationalization in US Senate and Gubernatorial Elections.” 2019. American Politics Research 47(5): 1055-1080, with Seth McKee.
- "Whose Party is it?: Lame Ducks, Presidential Candidates, and Evaluations of the Party." 2022. American Politics Research 50(4): 539-544, with Victor Hinojosa (TTU Graduate Student)
- "Presidential Strategies in Statements of Administration Policy", Presidential Studies Quarterly 2022 52(4): 759-784. with Ian Ostrander
- “The Logic of Presidential Signing Statements.” 2013. Political Research Quarterly 66(1): 141-153, with Ian Ostrander
Congress & Institutional Development
- Electoral Incentives in Congress. 2018. University of Michigan Press, with Jamie Carson.
- “The Impact of Electoral Rules and Reforms on Election Outcomes.” 2020. American Politics Research 48(6): 738-749.
- “Congressional Candidates in an Era of Party Ballots.” 2017. Journal of Politics 79(2): 534-545, with Jamie Carson.
- “Electoral Reform and Changes in Legislative Behavior: Adoption of the Secret Ballot in Congressional Elections.” 2015. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 40(1): 83-110, with Jamie Carson.
Selected Work in Progress
- The Less Responsive Branch?: Politics and Development in the Early US Senate (Book Project)